Blotchy skin and blemishes affect people of all ages!
Here's why: Scientists discovered a tiny parasite called Demodex human, which feeds on our skin and can cause adult acne. All of us are unwilling hosts for these intruding parasites, and their numbers tend to increase with age. According to the New York Times, the only people whodon't have them are newborn babies! Severe infestations can cause a permanent, disfiguring condition known as Acne Rosacea.
Now you can fight back against these nasty invaders
With this award-winning soap. Even people who have tried everything, including antibiotics, say the soap reduces redness, enlarged pores and dark spots so well that they call it the "Miracle Soap". Teens with problem skin are also washing with it. Chang Sheng Herbal Soap leaves skin feeling cleaner and silkier than ever before. Customers are so thrilled with the results that they order it in bulk for fear they won't find it in the future!



Award-Winning Product at Geneva Salon of Inventions
After 30 Years of medical research
QINGDAO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY - After 30 Years of medical research and over 900,000 patients, a team of Chinese doctors isolated a small unseen parasite called Human Demodex that caused people’s complexions to become rough, lumpy and reddish. The parasite also enlarges the skin’s pores. It was noted in scientific studies that babies did not have this parasite at birth. It was only contracted days later when the babies were touched by other humans.
The infection grows with us as we grow older
Severe cases can cause Acne Rosacea or Demodicidosis. The parasite looks like a microscopic worm that feeds off the skin; it is light sensitive, meaning that during daylight it lives inside the pores and at night it reaches the surface of the skin. To counter Human Demodex, FACE DOCTOR CHANG SHENG Demodicidin Soap was developed. This all natural soap isn’t like ordinary or medicated soaps. It was specially formulated to kill Human Demodex.
1 Soap $9.60 + shipping
Chang Sheng Herbs Beauty Soap
2 Soaps $16.90 + shipping
4 Soaps $ 37.99
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